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Stars: Crystal Fox, Phylicia Rashad, Bresha Webb But when secrets chip away at her short-lived happiness, Grace's vulnerable side becomes violent. Not only will you encounter all-time courtroom classics, but you are also sure to discover a large number of legal films that you have never even heard of before! Lawyer Movies: Table of Contentsīest Lawyer Movies 2020 - 2029 Top Lawyer Movie From 2020Ī Fall From Grace - Depressed after her ex-husband's infidelity, Grace Waters feels restored by a new romance. Because of this, we have decided to compile a list of the best lawyer movies in chronological order, going all the way back to the 1930's. Sadly, there are very few good resources for those who are interested in lawyer films. Whether you refer to them as courtroom dramas, lawyer movies, legal films, etc., movies centering around the law, crime, and the courtroom have been entertaining and challenging moviegoers for about as long as movies have existed!

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